Imaginary Landscape series
Silk-screen prints and multi-color lithographs on Revere Silk. 27×30 cm (image area)
The starting point for my body of work “Imaginary Landscapes” is sacred grove Samma Hiis located near my family’s home. This work explores the importance of trees in my cultural heritage and also studies the representation of trees in other indigenous practices (e.g. Celtic mythology). The sanctuary of Estonian native culture is a sacred grove in which the spiritual and mundane are intertwined. Trees stand for growth and life but also for stability and roots. People visit trees to ask for advice or tell them about their grief. I spend time amongst the trees to seek knowledge and integrity. In “Imaginary Landscape” I have combined photographs from Samma Hiis with the symbols carved in wooden planks surrounding the grove marking the entrance to the holy place. The sacred geometry represents our surroundings and what we believe in. It offers insight into the spiritual progress of humanity and provides us with understanding and clarity of thought when focused upon.
View from the Gallery Grafiska Sällskapet in Stockholm Sweden, 2014